1 properties meet your criteria:Town: Rudnik Village
Information on the city of Rudnik Village
The village of Rudnik is located in South-East Bulgaria in Municipality Bourgas. It is situated 17 km away from district center city of Bourgas, near Kableshkovo and the famous sea resort Sunny Beach.
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These detached houses are situated in a village that is 10 km away from the sea
Living area: 102 sqm
Price: 73000 EUR
Town: Rudnik Village
These detached houses are situated in a village that is 10 km away from the sea and the airport, 15 km away from the regional centre of Bourgas and 20 km away from the world-famous resort of Sunny Beach. It is in a mini-complex of three houses with ... Find out more
Living area: 102 sqm
Price: 73000 EUR
Town: Rudnik Village
These detached houses are situated in a village that is 10 km away from the sea and the airport, 15 km away from the regional centre of Bourgas and 20 km away from the world-famous resort of Sunny Beach. It is in a mini-complex of three houses with ... Find out more